Interested in Joining?

Postdoctoral Fellows
We are seeking individuals with a passion for robotics and a strong motivation to substantially enhance their capabilities. Applicants should provide evidence of a strong engineering or computer science background as well as significant hands-on experience in continuum or soft robotics, either in design and fabrication, or in modeling and control. An outstanding academic record as well as a strong publication record in high-impact robotics conferences and journals are required.
Please note, currently, we do not have an opening for a postdoctoral position in the lab. However, we are always looking for exceptional candidates with strong hands-on experience with continuum or soft robotics. If you satisfy the criteria mentioned above, please e-mail me (Jessica Burgner-Kahrs) your CV (Curriculum Vitae), motivation letter on why would like to join CRL, copies of three relevant scientific publications, and a list of three references.
Please keep an eye on this website for future openings.
Please see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for more details concerning lab work, other robotics resources, etc.
Graduate Students
If you are interested in pursuing your graduate studies (MSc or PhD) at the Continuum Robotics Laboratory, it would be conditional on your acceptance into a graduate program at the Department of Computer Science or the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto. You can apply for one of these graduate programs through the School of Graduate Studies.
When completing the application package, you may write down on there that you are interested in joining my lab. After you have submitted the application, please kindly inform me (Jessica Burgner-Kahrs) as well. However, please note, I cannot assess your application before submission, and I do not make any admission decisions.
Prior experience in robotics (through coursework and research projects) is needed. For more information about the graduate programs and the application process, please refer to the site for the University of Toronto's School of Graduate Studies.
Please see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for more details concerning lab work, other robotics resources, etc.
Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate students may join the lab through a work-study or volunteering position. Usually, students start engaging in research with CRL through course work. They either participate in the Research Opportunity Program (also ESROP) during the summer or take independent study or reading courses during the Fall/Winter. We also supervise students in their undergraduate research theses (e.g. ESC499, MIE498).
For summer research, we also host excellent students with awards, such as NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council) Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) and the University of Toronto Excellence Award (UTEA). If you are interested in applying for an award with me as your supervisor, then I ask you to please contact me as well as your academic advisor for more information (for CS students at UTM Yvette Ye. Kindly note, there are strict eligibility requirements dictated by these awards, please review them carefully to ensure you meet them before contacting me.
We are currently recruiting undergraduate students to support various research projects:
- Open-source continuum robot software
- Human-robot interaction
- Learning-based modeling and control of continuum robots
- Design of continuum robots for inspection tasks
Please note, that we require fundamental robotics knowledge (e.g., by completing CSC376H5F). For Fall/Winter opportunities, please contact me (Jessica Burgner-Kahrs) by April/May and for summer opportunities, please reach out by January/February.
For any of the opportunities mentioned above, please include the following items when you e-mail me:
- CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- Transcript (unofficial)
- A brief description of your motivation in joining the lab
Please see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for more details concerning lab work, other robotics resources, etc.