CRL @ICRA 40th Anniversary Symposium in Rotterdam
Our team recently attended the prestigious 40th-anniversary symposium of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) in Rotterdam, a unique single-track event highlighting four decades of groundbreaking advancements in robotics. The symposium offered an extraordinary platform for thought leaders in the field, featuring insightful keynotes from renowned experts summarizing the evolution of robotics. Our PI, Jessica Burgner-Kahrs, presented a keynote on Continuum Robotics, sharing insights into this transformative area of research.
Our graduate students also contributed to the interactive sessions, presenting their latest work. Spencer, Reinhard, and Jimmy each showcased their research to an engaged audience, receiving valuable feedback from fellow researchers and industry professionals:
- Chengnan Shentu, Jessica Burgner-Kahrs: Universal-jointed Tendon-driven Continuum Robot - Design, Kinematic Modeling, and Locomotion in Narrow Tubes
- Spencer Teetaert, Sven Lilge, Jessica Burgner-Kahrs, Timothy D. Barfoot: Space-Time Continuum - Continuous Shape and Time State Estimation for Flexible Robots
- Reinhard M. Grassmann, Jessica Burgner-Kahrs: Clarke Transform and Clarke Coordinates - A New Kid on the Block for State Representation of Continuum Robots

The 40th anniversary of ICRA was a truly memorable and inspiring event, celebrating the field’s remarkable progress and laying the groundwork for future innovation.