What a great virtual RSS conference! A big shout out to the RSS 2020 organizing committee and to the organizers of all workshops. Modern problems required modern solutions and you all did a great job in adapting the conference to the current situation. We missed the conference T-shirt, though.

RSS 2020 is over and we enjoyed it! Now, it’s time for a small retrospective! Reinhard and Sven took the opportunity to advance their term paper (System Thinking by Steve Easterbrook) and presented it at the first RobRetro-Workshop. The workshop was a perfect match because we looked into our own research community and investigated the dynamics between prototyping a CTCR and publication pressure, evaluating 139 publications of the CTCR research field. There are so many prototypes in our CTCR research community. We as a community should start to join forces to develop a proper CTCR platform.

During the virtual poster session, we got great feedback. It was a fun experience to see and interact with other attendees in gathertown; a 2D world with low resolution - imagine Pokémon on the good-old gameboy! Considering all discussions and talks we had, we belief that the paper has the finger on the pulse.

The conference as a whole was smooth and enlightening as always. We enjoyed the really great plenary talks. In particular, the talk and achievements regarding the “Test of Time Award” were impressive. Last but not least, we would like to give our congratulations to Valentin Peretroukhin and Jonathan Kelly from UofT's STARS Lab for the best student paper at RSS 2020! Well deserved!
