We are excited to share our latest and greatest research at this year's IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. While we can't join in-person, we will present our work during the virtual part of the conference. Join us!

June 1, 2021

Keynote TuKNT3 by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs  I, Continuum Robot
12:00-12:45pm EDT  > Join the Live stream

Session TuHT19 Continuum Robotics I chaired by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs
1:00-2:00pm EDT

Session TuIT19 Continuum Robotics II chaired by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs
2:00-3:00pm EDT

June 4, 2021

Workshop Parallel robots or not parallel robots? New frontiers of parallel robotics

  • 8:30-9:05am EDT > Jessica Burgner-Kahrs: Parallel Continuum Robot – Reconfigurable Designs
  • 11:15-11:20am EDT > Kefei Wen & Jessica Burgner-Kahrs: Kinematic and Singularity Analysis of Tendon-Driven Parallel Continuum Robot
  • 11:40-11:45am EDT > Sven Lilge & Jessica Burgner-Kahrs: “Design, Modeling and Evaluation of Tendon Driven Parallel Continuum Robots

Workshop Impact of COVID-19 on Medical Robotics and Wearables Research: Learning from the Past and Strategizing for the Future

  • 1:00-1:20pm EDT > Jessica Burgner-Kahrs w/Hallie Siegel: The challenge of bottom-up vs. top-down research in light of a global pandemic
