Kefei is a recent graduate from the University of Laval in Quebec City holding a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering.

During his Ph.D. studies, his focus was on the theoretical aspects of robotics.He worked on the development on methodology for the design of kinematically redundant hybrid parallel robots. This methodology was specifically concerned with making designs suitable for physical human-robot interactions.

Kefei certainly has a fascination for parallel robotics and wanted to explore this area of research a bit more. When he saw our project on continuum parallel robotics he was instantly drawn to the CRL and was soon accepted! His first order of business at the lab will be just that, to contribute to this project. He will be working alongside Sven, one of our research assistants, who is in charge of this work.

With Kefei’s background in the theoretical concepts of parallel robotics, we know that he will be a valuable addition to our team.

We’re excited to have Kefei on board and to see what great things he helps us to achieve in our research!

You can learn more about Kefei here.
