Dr. Jessica Burgner-Kahrs and Ph.D. student Sven Lilge represented CRL and the University of Toronto Robotics Institute at ICRA, the largest international robotics conference. The conference was a five days event, held in Philadelphia from May 23rd to 27th.

On the first workshop day, Dr. Jessica Burgner-Kahrs talked about autonomy in continuum robotics at the Frontiers of Endoluminal Intervention: Clinical opportunities and technical challenges workshop. Jessica also co-organized a workshop on the New Frontiers of Parallel Robotics together with Dr. Sébastian Briot, Dr. Marco Carricato, Dr. Guiseppe Loianno, and Sven Lilge.

Sven shares his experiences at ICRA:

On Monday, the first day of the conference, I attended the workshop “Frontiers of Endoluminal Intervention: Clinical opportunities and technical challenges”, in which Jessica gave a great talk about approaching autonomy in continuum robotics. There was a welcome reception dinner in the evening – a great networking event, where we were also got to try some famous Philly Cheesesteaks!

I attended a lot of different sessions over the following days, mostly focusing on soft and continuum robots. I was able to have engaging discussions and meet lots of great people, including grad students working on similar research as myself and well-known senior researchers from our field!

I co-organized the workshop “New Frontiers of Parallel Robotics”. This workshop’s goal is to bring together researchers from distinct communities (e.g. soft/continuum robotics, aerial robotics, physical interactions, and more) with common interest in parallel robotics to share their experiences, methods, challenges, and issues. We had a great line-up of workshop submissions and invited speakers. I was able to present my Ph.D research on Tendon-Driven Parallel Continuum Robots in a 15 minute talk and gathered some valuable feedback from the community which was definitely the highlight for me!”

Sven Lilge

Some images from the conference, shared by Sven

The workshop recordings are linked [here]
