The Continuum Robotics Laboratory at the University of Toronto invites applications for a fully funded post-doctoral researcher position.

At CRL our research focuses on:

(1) innovative continuum robot designs with novel features such as increased motion capabilities through extensibility or improved accuracy through parallel reconfigurable structures;

(2) real-time methods for modeling, motion planning, state estimation, and control;

(3) immersive human robot interfaces for intuitive interaction and collaborative manipulation. We are driven by applications of continuum robots in the most cluttered and hardly accessible spaces, such as within the human body or complex machinery. Join us to work with world class robotics researchers and become a member of the University of Toronto Robotics Institute

The two most important qualifications for the position are a passion for robotics and a strong motivation to substantially enhance their capabilities. Applicants should provide evidence of a strong engineering or computer science background as well as significant hands-on experience in continuum or soft robotics, either in design and fabrication or in modeling and control.

We are seeking a person with exceptional problem-solving, communication, and analytical skills. An outstanding academic record as well as a strong publication record in high-impact robotics conferences and journals are required.

The position is open until filled. The start date for the position is flexible, but should be no later than November 2022. Funding will be provided for one year, with possible extension.

Qualified candidates are invited to submit their application (motivation letter, CV, transcripts, copies of up to three relevant scientific publications, names and contact information of two references) as a single PDF file by email to with subject line "[jobs] CRL Postdoc Application - your name”.

Reviewing of applications will start July 11, 2022.
