The past few weeks have been challenging for all of us facing measures to conquer the global COVID-19 pandemic. CRL closed its doors and everyone is working from home. Over all the hectic university closure, we grew the lab!

We are thrilled that Dr. Quentin Peyron joined the Continuum Robotics Laboratory as a postdoctoral Fellow! Quentin obtained his Ph.D. earlier this year working with the AVR team of ICube laboratory in Strasbourg, France, and the MiNaRoB team of FEMTO-ST institute in Besancon, France. During his Ph.D. Quentin made exciting contributions for a design of a continuum robot using a combination of concentric pre-curved tubes and magnetic actuation for minimally invasive interventions.

We are excited that Quentin accepted our offer to continue his research endeavours in continuum robotics with us and look forward to all the exciting projects down the road!

Welcome to the lab Quentin!
