The International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS) took place in Toronto from July 25th to 29th. The conference is the flagship forum for cross-disciplinary R&D communities to discuss current activities related to all kinds of small scale robots and their applications.

CRL’s very own Hanna Zhang and Priyanka Rao presented CRL’s research at MARRS titled Cooperative Control of Dual-Arm Concentric Tube Continuum Robots and Frontiers in modeling tendon-driven soft continuum robots respectively. Hanna’s conference paper was nominated for the Best Robotics Paper award at MARRS, which is a huge honor for her as well as the team at CRL! Furthermore, Graduate member Chloe Pogue also volunteered as an organizer for the conference.

Best Paper Award Nominees

Hannah and Priyanka shared their thoughts on the conference and their talks below,

It was super exciting to have attended my first conference, presenting my first published work, at the MARSS conference! The work I presented was the results of my undergraduate thesis research and has been a work 2 years in the making. I'm incredibly thankful to my co-authors Sven and Taha and supervisor Jessica for their unwavering support, guidance, and patience with me throughout this process.

The conference was illuminating for me personally, as I was introduced to research lying at the intersection of micro and soft robots.

Priyanka Rao

Priyanka sharing her talk

My talk was titled "Frontiers in modeling tendon-driven soft continuum robots" where we presented our research on the modeling of tendon-driven continuum robots and possible future directions for the same.

Additionally, I would like to thank the MARSS organization committee for running such a great event!

Overall, I'm incredibly grateful to have had this opportunity to learn and grow as a roboticist! This work receiving the nomination for the Best Robotics Paper at MARSS was definitely the cherry on the cake in this whole process! I'm excited for what's to come moving forward with my Master's with CRL!

Hanna Zhang

Hanna sharing her talk
